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Can I reserve the other Princess of the DeGrays?

BleedingLover - Member for 0 years
I totally call Rivera again! :D I'm just going to do Rivera though, not Rivera and Theodin.

TwiliXDragon - Member for 2 years
@Bleeding of course reservations last 24 hours :)
@Twili: I'm so glad I was hoping you'd take up Rivera, I loved this RP and was gutted when it died but I am not gonna let that happen again! I worked too bloody hard on it haha! Hope you guys are with me!

Calvazara - Member for 1 years
Hello ^^
If the Princess spot doesn't get filled within the time requirement do you mind messaging me? :D I would love the role!

WittyWriter88 - Member for 0 years
Cal,I'm really sorry. I just have to many RPs going on right now. You can give it to Witty Writer88. I'm so sorry. :(

BleedingLover - Member for 0 years
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